17 – 31 May, 2021
Follow the LIVE streaming of the School: https://spintronics.stream-es.com
Please use the username and password received from the 2021 ESpinRed School secretariat <congresos_zaz@viajeseci.es> to follow the streaming.
The course offers an introduction to Spintronics, including from the very basic to the most advanced topics of the subject, delivered by a group of lecturers of the highest international excellence.
Please, look here the details of the program.
If you are a Master or PhD student, PostDoc, Faculty or Researcher interested on spintronics, you can Register here!
The School has the financial support of the Agencia Española de Investigación and the Spanish Ministry for Science, and it counts with the support of the IEEE Magnetics Society and the Spanish Club of Magnetism.