The course offers a basic introduction to Spintronics, including the following subjects. We are really glad to count with a group of lecturers of the highest international excellence:
Jairo Sinova (U. Mainz) – Why Spintronics
Jose Mª de Teresa (CSIC-U Zaragoza) – Spin dependent transport: GMR and TMR
Félix Casanova – (CIC-Nanogune) Spin injection, transport and manipulation
Magnetization Dynamics
Tim Mewes (U Alabama) – Magnetization Dynamics and Damping (IEEE-MS Distinguished Lecture)
Ferrán Macià (U Barcelona) – Spin Waves Spintronics
Adriana Figueroa (CIN2) – Ferromagnetic resonance
Spin orbit coupling
Sergio O. Valenzuela (CIN2) – Spin Orbit interactions and Spin Hall effects
Andrew Kent (NYU) – STT and SOT oscillators
Myriam Aguirre (CSIC-U Zaragoza) – Spin Caloritronics
Spin textures
André Thiaville (U Paris Saclay – CNRS) – DM interactions and 3D skyrmions
Kyrsten von Bergmann (U Hamburg) – Skyrmions in atomically thin films
Agustina Asenjo (CSIC) – MFM techniques and spin textures
María Vélez (U Oviedo) – Topological Charges and Emergent Fields
Emerging materials for spintronics: oxides, 2D systems, etc
Stephan Roche – (CIN2) – Graphene and 2D Spintronics
Luis Hueso – (CIC-Nanogune) – Molecular Spintronics
Manuel Bibes – (CNRS – Thales) – Oxide Spintronics
Tomas Jungwirth – (U Nottingham) – Antiferromagnetic spintronics
Calculating, Measuring and applications
Joo-Von Kim – (U Paris Saclay – CNRS) – Theoretical Spintronics – micromagn. & beyond
Lucia Aballe – (ALBA) – Synchrotron microscopies on spintronics
Julie Grollier – (CNRS – Thales) – Basic blocks for biologically-inspired computation
To be confirmed – Ultrafast and THz spintronics