Dear friends,
It is a pleasure to announce the 2021 ESpinRed School on Spintronics, organized by ESpinRed, the Spanish Network on Spintronics. The Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Magnetics Society and the Spanish Club of Magnetism collaborate with the organization and promotion of the school.
The Spanish Network on Spintronics was started in 2017 and officialize in 2018 by the Spanish Funding Agency for Research (AEI) to allow and promote synergies among research groups active on the subject along our whole country, following the stream of the SpinTronicFactory in the European realm.
One of the objectives of the Network, since the conception was to organize specialized courses to form future doctors and researchers in the field, and to enhance interactions between nodes of the community. Research on magnetism has a long tradition in Spain, dating back to the beginning of the XXth century, with the seminal contributions of Professor Blas Cabrera and his disciples. Spintronics is one of the most modern branches of magnetism, with application success already in the global market, and great horizons for future developments.